Trusted assessor training will address any small equipment and adaptation needs a client might have. This is appropriate and useful knowledge for someone who is dealing with a vulnerable client group such as tenants in housing association or council accommodation. It is also useful for people who want to further their knowledge about medical conditions and how lives with a mobility impairment can be made more accessible on a basic level.
Trainees will be taught to assess for small pieces of assistive equipment (to prescribe to service users - such as raised toilet seats, furniture raisers, simple bathing aids such as shower boards and seats). They will also be able to assess and measure up for minor adaptations such as rails and banisters to aid mobility and improve safety on stairs or when transferring on and off surfaces (seating, toileting and sit to stand transfers).
Sometimes small changes in one’s environment can make all the difference to their mobility and ability to function in their own house, attendees will benefit from increased knowledge around disability and how it affects people’s lives.
Increased awareness around aids and adaptations will benefit service users immediately and can sometimes avoid long waiting times when trying to access a council’s OT services.
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Last updated 05/2021